📣 Table of Contents - everything you need to know to create and manage deeds!
deeds on Deed
What are deeds?
Deeds are your best tool for empowering employees to give back to the communities that they care about. There are four main types of deeds available on the platform: Fundraisers, Volunteer Events, Volunteer Projects, and Events.
- Collects donations for a nonprofit for a particular program or initiative
Volunteer Event
- In-person or virtual volunteer event with an organization.
- Must happen at a specific location (virtual or in-person) and time.
- Employees can log volunteer hours in affiliation with a Volunteer Event
Volunteer Project
- In-person or virtual skills-based volunteer opportunity with an organization.
- Lightweight application process to participate (optional).
- Can happen on an ongoing basis over the course of several days, months, or weeks.
- Employees can log volunteer hours in affiliation with a Volunteer Event
- In-person or virtual event not affiliated with an organization.
- Employees cannot log hours in affiliation with an Event.