There are multiple roles with different levels of access that you can select for your Nonprofit team.

Take a look at the table below to see what’s right for you! If you have any questions about how to get these roles set up for your team, please contact Deed Nonprofit Success at [email protected].

Admin Organizer Ambassador
Dashboard ✅ View ✅ View ❌ No access
Manage Deeds ✅ View
✅ Edit
✅ Publish ✅ View
✅ Edit ✅ View
✅ Edit
Volunteers ✅ View
✅ Approve Volunteer Hours ✅ View
✅ Approve Volunteer Hours ❌ No access
Donations ✅ View ✅ View only ❌ No access
Forms ✅ View
✅ Edit ✅ View
✅ Edit ✅ View
✅ Edit
Corporate Affiliations ✅ View
✅ Edit
✅ Request Affiliation ✅  View
❌ Edit
❌ Request Affiliation ❌ No access
Settings ✅ View
✅ Edit
✅ Users ❌ No access ❌ No access
Staff verification* ✅ Verified N/A N/A

*Staff verification under current SOW is to "verify organization staff are affiliated with organization through domain verification to determine the user is authorized to act on behalf of the organization." In meeting 11/1 Walmart decided that only primary users would undergo this verification. Only verifying the primary user aligns with the verification approach used by CyberGrants.

Note: If you need to unlock specific functionalities for select users beyond the above, please connect with your the Deed Nonprofit Success team member.